Introducing Build With One

Jul 26, 2024

I’ve started a new company — and I’m excited.

The concept? A one stop shop for anything ‘building’, not the construction kind, but apps-websites-tools, that kind of building. Creating software & digital experiences that truly matter… both for people to use (& hopefully love), but also for individuals & businesses who need help with bringing an idea to life.

The first project is already in the works, and it’s a todo app (I know there’s hundreds about already), but it’s not like anything you’ve seen before (I know that’s been said by those hundreds already too). But I promise, this will be special.

Clean, simple, minimal, efficient, powerful - all the jazz. The usual buzz words - but this time with actual delivery behind it.

Now, back to Build With One. What’s the plan? Why are you even blogging about this?

In honesty, I have no clue — about why I’m blogging this that is — there is very much a real plan for the company, and a vision (in fact my vision has never been this clear about any one of my business ventures in the past.) The vision can be broken down into three bullet points:

  • Create truly great digital experiences
  • Build tools to help others create truly great digital experiences
  • Create an environment to inspire more builders, to create truly great digital experiences

In short — Truly Great Digital Experiences. TGDE.

Why Build With One though? As in the name.

Quick answer for this one — it seemed cool to have the .one domain name - and ‘buildwith’ was available. The domain was first - the name came second. The socials just happened to be available too — perfect.

Why Now?

This is a topic for another blog post - probably one on the Build With One site (check it out by the way ->

But, again, the answer can be broken down into three bullet points.

  • With the rise of AI & other tools it is easier than ever to create software (but this software isn’t always truly great - see end ‘btw’)
  • Software is stagnating, a bit like hardware. This needs to change.
  • I love creating digital stuff - this turns that passion into a business (hopefully), and allows me help others create (guess what…) truly great digital experiences (good guess)!

That’s it for now - more updates to come soon.

btw - I love AI tools - they are in themselves, truly great. I use them to help with creating stuff. The point still stands - you need to use them right (& not for everything. In my opinion, anyway.)